2100 Rocky Fork Rd. Suite 401
Nolensville, TN. 37135
Open Today: 6am - 7:30pm
boxing fitness workout jab punch
May 1, 2023

Mastering the Jab: How to Fix Common Mistakes

Boxing classes, like the ones we offer at TITLE Boxing Club Nolensville, are a great way to improve your overall fitness and coordination. The jab is one of the most important and basic punches in boxing, and it’s essential to master the proper technique to get the most out of your TITLE Boxing Club Nolensville experience. In this blog, we will discuss the common jab mistakes made during heavy bag workouts and how to fix them. 

1. Dropping the hand
One common mistake is dropping the dominant hand while performing the jab, which leaves the face open for a counterattack. To fix this, make sure you keep your non-punching hand up and your elbow tucked in as you throw the jab. As if you were holding a phone to your face.

2. Not fully extending the arm
Another mistake is not fully extending the arm while throwing the jab. This can reduce the power and accuracy of the punch. To fix this, focus on extending your arm fully as you throw the jab. Rotating your hand like you are pouring out a cup of water will help extend the arm as well. 

3. Overcommitting
Overcommitting with the jab can leave you off balance and vulnerable to counterattacks. To fix this, practice throwing the jab with a quick snap, and focus on keeping your weight balanced. Try to bring it back as quickly as you threw it out.

4. Not using the hips
A common mistake is not using the hips while throwing the jab. This can reduce the power and speed of the punch. To fix this, focus on rotating your hips as you throw the jab, which will help generate more power. 

5. Not using the shoulder
The shoulder plays an important role in the jab, as it helps to protect your chin and generate power. A common mistake is not using the shoulder while throwing the jab. To fix this, focus on bringing your shoulder up and forward as you throw the jab. Your shoulder should touch your cheek as you finish the jab.

6. Not using the footwork
Footwork is an important aspect of boxing, and a common mistake is not using it while throwing the jab. To fix this, focus on stepping forward with your lead foot as you throw the jab, and then quickly stepping back to your original position. Try to time it so your steeping foot and your jabbing fist land at the exact same moment.

Follow along with TITLE Boxing Club Master Coach Justin Blackwell as he breaks down how to perfect the jab

By focusing on proper jab technique and avoiding these common jab mistakes, you can get the most out of your TITLE Boxing Club Nolensville classes. So, put on your gloves, hit the heavy bag, and get ready to improve your boxing skills by mastering the jab!