March 15, 2017

3 Important Spring Clean Eating Tips from a TITLE Trainer

Are you ready to advance your health journey? Okay, so you have started a new workout plan and now you want to take it to the next level. Along with training intensity, fueling your body properly is essential for peak performance. Here are three tips that will help heal your body from the inside out and supply much needed nutrients to help you perform at optimal levels!


  • Consider sugar as a thief, robbing your body of valuable nutrient stores. Sugar is an anti-nutrient and provides minimal amounts of vitamins and minerals causing chronic fatigue, heart disease, diabetes and cancers.
  • WATCH OUT for those grains. Grains elevate glucose levels, which elevate insulin leading to several diseases that include premature aging, type II diabetes, heart disease and cancers.
  • Michael’s Suggestion: Natural Stevia and Raw Honey, in moderation, are great ways to sweeten things up.
  • Michael’s Suggestion: Sweet potatoes, brown rice, quinoa and sprouted grains are great lower fiber carbohydrates.

Rethink your MEAT

  • Not all meat is created equal. Next time you are at the grocery store, pick up the grass-fed beef. Grass-fed beef offers more nutrients and does not contain obesity-causing hormones. Grain-fed beef consists of cattle eating exactly what you should not be eating from tip #1 stated above. Feeding cattle junk food turns them into junk food!
  • Michael’s Suggestion: Purchasing grass-fed beef may seem expensive, but remember how much money you can save when you are living a healthy life.

BAD Fats vs. GOOD Fats

  • Say hello to GOOD fats. Good fats are important for hormone production, preventing cancer, brain development, WEIGHT LOSS, repairing cells and anti-inflammation. Hi, avocados, real butter or ghee, coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil and wild-caught salmon!
  • Say bye to the BAD fats. Bad fats cause more than a handful of issues that could fill up this page. Bye, canola oil, vegetable oil and soybean oil!
  • Michael’s Suggestion: Get rid of the traditional cooking oils (canola oil and vegetable oil) and replace with coconut oil, olive oil or avocado oil. Of course, organic is best.


Michael Yabut
Manager of Product & Experience