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TITLE Boxing Club Blog | Page 26

March 30, 2016

Lose the Stress & Love the Dress

As a bride, all eyes are on YOU! But it’s ok – TITLE Boxing Club has your back with the white dress workout that will WOW your guests and most importantly, your hubby-to-be. In fact, if you haven’t seen our latest Bridal Burn segment on Fox & Friends, check it out now! It’s all about bare…

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March 17, 2016

Ten Easy Ways to Live Each Day Happier

Are you happy? Not just content, comfortable or satisfied, but genuinely and truly a happy person day after day? So many people aren’t, and depression grips over 14 million Americans every year. Maybe you’re not suffering from depression, but you know you could stand a few doses of sunshine in your day to help get…

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March 10, 2016

Everything You Need to Know About a Life of Counting Macros

Everyone has that one friend (or several) on Instagram who is constantly showing off their latest “gains” and hashtagging things like #IIFYM while weighing meals on a scale and skipping out on socializing to keep within their macros. Then you ask, “What is this life and do I want to take part in it?” Let’s…

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March 2, 2016

5 (Funky) Fresh Ways to Spring Clean Your Workout Routine

The winter isn’t just rough on our skin and hair; our workout routines can suffer as well through the bitterly cold weather and short, dark days. It can make us seriously unambitious, prone to comfy clothes and Pinterest, and leaves us in a funk! The good news is the birds are chirping, the tulips are…

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February 22, 2016

Heavy Foods, Lean Body: Eating Better All Winter Long

The colder it gets, the more your body craves an excess of carbs and fat. Pair that with the fact that fewer fruits and vegetables are in season, and you’ve got the perfect recipe for seasonal weight gain. Fortunately for you, we’ve got some great tips for how to stay fit all through that long, cold…

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February 17, 2016

It Takes Two: Partner Workouts That Rock

Everything is better when you do it together. When it comes to working out, having a partner means that you’re more likely to stick to it, stay into it, and achieve better results. So in honor of Valentine’s Week (yes, we’ve extended it to a whole week), grab your favorite gym partner and try one…

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February 9, 2016

Valentine’s Dates for Fit Couples

They say that the couple that trains together, stays together. So why not save the cheat day and spend Valentine’s day bonding with your significant other over a shared workout? There’s a pretty good chance that your shared passion for fitness is a big part of why you’re together in the first place. This year,…

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February 3, 2016

Finding the Perfect Workout Partner

Studies show that there are a number of benefits to working out with a partner, but if you’ve ever tried to find one, you know it’s not that simple. There are a number of different strategies for finding the right fitness friend (which we’ll outline below), but what works for one person may not be…

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January 27, 2016

Switching it Up: 7 Ways to Keep Your Workout Fresh

Four weeks into your New Years goals, and things have already started to feel a bit routine. Not to mention, if you keep doing the same workout long enough, your body will get used to it and you’ll plateau. So, to keep you energized and progressing, it’s probably time to shake things up and try…

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January 20, 2016

6 Ways to Stick to Your Resolution

If you’re like most people, you probably kicked off this year with the best intentions, but this is right about when it starts getting tough to keep your New Year’s Resolution. However, with a little help and a killer plan, we’re betting that you can make this year different. Here are some of our best…

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